Experiential Make-Overs

transform and enhance exisiting environments by augmenting what is already there with live and virtual experience design elements. We look at the existing architecture, exhibits, and overall experience intent to find ways to increase the depth of interactivity, gameplay, and storytelling with mixed reality; embedded technology; and live performance.

Playtesting We apply Playtesting early and often as an essential part of the iterative design process. With engaging the user to inform the design process, we make surprising discoveries that dramatically impact user appeal. Playtesting begins with paper prototypes and can become as complex as a full-scale mock-up with live actors and meta-programming.

Scalable, Customizable, Adaptable Public Engagement Experiential MakeOvers with networked Phydgital InterSpace station provide a venue the ability to easily transition from individual free-play to a orchestrated group play. Integrated live performance operators stimulate multiple participants to a more compelling culminating experience.

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